Meet Kris Schaible, Halstead's Featured Lampwork Artist

Meet Kris Schaible, Halstead's Featured Lampwork Artist [ad_1]

Meet Kris Schaible

Kris Schaible working with glass in her studio.
Kris Schaible, Halstead’s 2019 Featured Lampworker

Kris Schaible started her artistic journey at a young age thanks to her father and grandmother. Growing up, Kris expressed her love of art through a wide variety of mediums. But it wasn’t until she purchased her first glass bead that the fascination with creating art in glass began.

While at a local festival, Kris saw a lampwork artist at the torch and this unlocked the door to finally working with and creating art from glass. Kris placed a small order for some glass rods and, with her husband’s help, set up a torch. Once planted, the seed grew and glass began to creep into her daily life. It’s been 15 years and Kris still loves to create her glass beadwork while also learning new skills to enhance her work. Recently, she has started incorporating various metalsmith setting techniques into her finished pieces.

Sandblasted bead by Kris Schaible
Sandblasted bead by Kris Schaible
Floral Glass Bead by Kris Schaible
Floral Glass Bead by Kris Schaible

Kris is mostly self-taught and finds that glass has really centered her creative efforts. She is always striving to learn something new in the ever evolving world of glass. She also enjoys sharing her ever-growing passion for lampwork beads and travels to different studios to teach technique based classes. You can find her at the 2019 ISGB Gathering (in conjunction with Glass Craft Bead Expo). She is also often found at Bead & Button, Beadfest in Oaks, PA and the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival.

In 2009 Kris became involved with the International Society of Glass Beadmakers (ISGB). She has since helped lead the organization as a Regional Director, then a District Director, Director at Large and served two years as Vice-President.

Today, Kris resides in Northeastern PA, where she is a wife and mother to 3 children. She is currently focusing on her personal glass work which she sells on Etsy

and at various shows throughout the year. She has just completed a longtime dream of building a stand alone study shed where she creates both her metal work and glass designs.

Watch Hilary Halstead Scott’s Studio Tour with Kris Schaible! Her studio is uniquely setup for lampworking and silversmithing.

Connect with Kris

Facebook: Kris Schaible Glass Studio

Instagram: @glasskris

Glass Bead by Kris Schaible
Glass Bead by Kris Schaible
Glass Pendant by Kris Schaible
Glass Pendant by Kris Schaible


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Meet Kris Schaible, Halstead's Featured Lampwork Artist Meet Kris Schaible, Halstead's Featured Lampwork Artist Reviewed by Unknown on April 19, 2019 Rating: 5

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